Synergy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia

The synergy on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in Indonesia are actually done in Indonesia from the community level until government’s policy. But the activities are still sectoral according to the organization’s own. This is how the National Seminar on “Inter-Stakeholders Synergy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia” organized by Humanitarian Forum Indonesia and supported by Muslim Aid Indonesia, National Platform on DRR, UNDP-SCDRR, UNOCHA and BNPB, held. The Seminar was successfully conducted on June 17, 2015 in Main Commission Room, 3rd floor of Gedung II BPPT, Central Jakarta.

The Seminar was officially opened by Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman (Country Director of Muslim Aid Indonesia Field Office), and the keynote speaker was Dr.Ir Rr.Endah Murniningtyas, MSc (Deputy of Natural Resources and Environment, National Development Planning Agency/Bappenas) explaining about the policy of DRR-CCA is one of derivatives of the 7th Nawa Cita: “Creating Economic Empowerment by Actuating Domestic Economy Strategic Sectors”. Derivates of the policy are applied by the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry and also National Agency on Disaster Management. It is conveyed by Ir. Arif Wibowo, M.Sc, the Head of Climate Change Vulnerability, the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry, and DR. Raditya Jati, the Head of Sub-Directorate of Disaster Risk Reduction, National Agency on Disaster Management.

To date, 80{0d9a08d3a9b53815e006f460673235ae82ce9661828f50b4e307921959270287} disaster happening in Indonesia is hydrometeorology disasters such as flood, landslide, and whirlwind. This indicates that the environmental management has not been managed well. From the National Platform for DRR, Ir. Sugeng Triutomo, DESS stated that it needs to have an understanding on Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SF-DRR) and its priority actions in national level before socialized to the local, the transition from Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) to SF-DRR, and clear role of each stakeholder in DRR that could integrate this DRR and CCA non-explicitly.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kustiwa Adinata from IPPHTI (Association of Integrated Pest Control Farmers) showed any existing good practice from the integration of DRR and CCA in dry and wet season because of floods from overflowing river and tidal flooding seawater.

To facilitate the implementation of DRR-CCA synergy, UNDP-SCDRR facilitates drafting the Convergence of DRR-CCA. The writing process of this book is done by multi-actors of DRR and CCA in Indonesia. The meaning of convergence of DRR-CCA itself is to create policy and resources effectively, administratively efficient and encourage different sectoral coordination mechanisms.

The expectation is the seminar could gather any efforts that are not business as usual, look for innovative way to get convergence in all aspects, any leading sector in DRR-CCA down to the community level, and in the national level led by Bappenas, and the government and other non-government could have better coordination afterwards.
